Miss Ruby turned 4 last Wednesday. In honor of her birthday, her parents threw a little sha-bang complete with bbq'd hot dogs, cake and berries smothered in cool whip, a kiddie pool and 8 rambunctious little munchkins - including a set of triplet girls. Luckily for the parents and adults, a cooler full of micro-brews were provided along with Jenny's famous potatoe dish. As we adults chatted and got our buzzes on, the kids ditched their clothes and took dips in the pool alternating sliding down the slide with their naked little butts. Finally dad called them in, made them get dressed (only some complied), and fed them dinner.

After cake, it was time for presents. Of course Ruby delighted in each and every present. But who knew that at a 4 year old's little girl's birthday party that Princess Shoes would be the hit of the night. Ruby opened that last present - a large flat box that contained an eight-pack of princess slippers. I always thought only beer and cigarettes came in packs. Once the word got out what resided in that box, every little girl and the one little boy snatched up a pair of slippers and ran inside to try them on with Ruby's little collection of princess dresses. Soon all the girls were parading through the house in full on princess gear. Even little Trey got into it. Who said little boys can't be princesses! Apparently, it's quite natural when there's a big sister in the family that the little brother adores dressing up and wearing pink.

While the munchkins were in princess land, the backyard now devoid of kids became adult playland. Well, ok, more like man land. The pool was dumped, toys put away and the yard was cleared. In place was a rigged basketball court - a plastic kids basketball hoop mounted atop the kids jungle gym. The men were all lined up around the 'court', tossing a small soccer ball into the net, hootin and hollarin as they played horse.

I know now, how to properly entertain kids and men. Rule of thumb - be sure you always have an 8-pack of princess slippers in the house and plastic basketball hoop in the backyard. Don't worry about a ball, the guys will figure something out.
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